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Q:  What are Operator Committed Practices? 


A:  Throughout the NPL EIS process, the BLM, cooperating agencies, Jonah Energy, and other entities identified a range of resource protection measures, including Operator Committed Practices (OCPs), that will reduce or eliminate potential adverse impacts. The OCPs were developed by a diverse group of sixteen area residents representing small business, elected officials, sportsmen, ranching, the environmental community, and others who identified key issues and concerns to be addressed prior to, and during development of, the NPL Project.  This approach provided local residents with enhanced community input into the pre-planning and NEPA analysis process.  Jonah Energy reviewed the OCPs and adopted the recommendations for the Proposed Action. The BLM considered and incorporated seventy-eight OCPs into the NPL Draft EIS. 

Q:  How would the NPL Project affect air quality?


A:  Jonah Energy will implement the successful programs and practices in the NPL that it uses in the Jonah field to minimize emissions of nitrogen oxides (NOx) and volatile organic compounds (VOC) from natural gas production and gathering activities.  These include facility consolidations and upgrades, flareless flowback green-well-completion techniques, enhanced directed inspection and maintenance program, remote telemetry process equipment monitoring, utilizing clean natural gas as a fuel source for drilling, completions and production processes, and  generating 1.74 Megawatts a day of solar and fuel cell energy to power well automation.


Q:  How will the NPL Project affect surface water and groundwater resources?


A:  Jonah Energy will deploy state of the art technology to protect water resources in the project area. Best Management Practices will control surface runoff and protect natural drainages.  A comprehensive groundwater sampling and testing program will be used to monitor groundwater quality.


Q:  How would the NPL Project affect livestock grazing in the area?

A:  Directional drilling on multi-well pads will minimize impacts. The estimated short-term surface disturbance is 4.5% within the project area, and approximately 1% may remain long-term.




Q:  How will the NPL Project affect wildlife and habitat?

A:  Directional drilling minimizes wildlife impacts and surface disturbance. Big game habitat and migration routes have been identified and will be protected.  Significant protection measures are voluntarily in place to protect the sage grouse and their habitat.


Q:  What are the economic benefits of the NPL Project?


A:  Creation of more than 700 long-term stable jobs and over $2 billion in tax dollars to Wyoming.


Q:  How soon will development begin?


A:  Jonah Energy would like to commence drilling operations in 2018, pending final decision of the NPL EIS (ROD).




Questions or Comments? 

If you would like to see all published documents related to this project, CLICK HERE.

Jonah Energy LLC


PO Box 2060

Pinedale, Wyoming 82941


83 Luman Road

Pinedale, Wyoming 82941



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Jonah Energy LLC


PO Box 2060

Pinedale, Wyoming 82941


83 Luman Road

Pinedale, Wyoming 82941



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