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Jonah Energy Wyoming


Bureau of Land Management EIS Process


An Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) is required under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) before the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) can issue a Record of Decision for the NPL project. The NEPA process requires public involvement before the federal government makes a decision. A full EIS will consider impacts to the environment, communities and economy. 


During the Draft EIS public comment period, the BLM collects public comments related to the Draft EIS at community meetings, as well as gathering comments sent via fax, mail or email. 


The BLM held two Public Meetings. The first meeting was held on Tuesday, July 25, 2017 at the BLM Pinedale Field office. The second meeting was held on Wednesday, July 26, 2017 at the BLM High Desert District Office in Rock Springs. Approximately 52 people attended the public meetings and filled out registration cards (29 in Pinedale and 23 in Rock Springs). All told, the BLM received 223 unique comment documents during the comment period that contained approximately 1,024 comments. Those comments can be viewed at the BLM’s Pinedale Field Office or online at NPL Project eplanning website. CLICK HERE


What happens next? 


Jonah Energy’s Proposed Action balances economic growth, stability and environmental protections. The BLM should issue a record of decision in 2018 detailing the most appropriate level of operational flexibility and regulatory compliance to achieve that balance. A timely decision is critical to begin development in 2018. 


A proven innovator in every area of oil and gas production, Jonah Energy has world class programs in place for NPL to preserve the environment, as well as create permanent jobs and tax revenue to support Wyoming’s cities, counties and state.

Jonah Field Drilling Operations

If you would like to see all published documents related to this project, CLICK HERE.

The NPL Project Timeline


Timeline for NPL Draft EIS
Environmental Impact Statement Documents


The Department of the Interior Bureau of Land Management hosts a number of relevant current and past documents. All published documents related to the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the Normally Pressured Lance (NPL) natural gas development project can be viewed online by clicking on the “VIEW DOCUMENTS” box.

Jonah Energy LLC


PO Box 2060

Pinedale, Wyoming 82941


83 Luman Road

Pinedale, Wyoming 82941



Jonah Energy LLC


PO Box 2060

Pinedale, Wyoming 82941


83 Luman Road

Pinedale, Wyoming 82941



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